Friday, July 12, 2019


Moneybags is a bear from Avalar. He is an upper-class, money-grubbing and somewhat deceitful conman who is infamous for charging Spyro exorbitant fees, paid in gems, to unlock doors, making passages or releasing an ally. The costly prices are eventually paid by Spyro, much to the delight of Moneybags.



  1. Replies
    1. I personally use cardstock between 150gsm and 200gsm and Aleene's tacky glue. Normal white glue also works just fine. I would not suggest normal printer paper for papercraft though, it's too weak and thin.

  2. Love these so much! I was wondering if the example pictures were the lined versions or the lineless? I wanted to know if there was a noticeable difference before deciding which to print.

    1. Glad you like them! I personally build the lineless versions and look at the lined one for reference on where to fold. The lines of the lined version aren't that dark though so don't worry about building that if it's easier for you, I used to do it myself when i was a beginner.

    2. Yeah, I worked it out and ended up printing the lineless and using the lined as a reference. Having both was super helpful. And yes I like them a lot lol going through all of 'em one by one.
